Reduce Variables And Liabilities

Increase asset life and the time between shutdowns. Alleviate community concerns and optimize strategic asset management. Sponge-Jet technology replaces disruptive surface preparation practices, reducing up to 30% of shut-down time – while increasing coating life. Ultimately one can extend both operational status and maintain asset value. Non-invasive Sponge Blasting technology allows:

  • Most preparation and coating work to be achieved during regular operations (leaving shutdowns free for other trades)
  • Management to improve, predict and control their operational schedules
  • Management to eliminate community environmental concerns by reducing hazardous fugitive emissions


"In regards to the new technology, our experience has being satisfactory from the technical stand point regarding the operators safety and the impact to the environment. The equipment is reliable and the substrate finish quality is excellent." - Ronmel García, Maintenance & Programing Superintendent, Petrosucre-PDVSA

Related Resources

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