건물 및 인프라스트럭처

Increased Infrastructure Reliability and Availability

The constant crossroad between the quality of corrosion protection systems and availability asset is no longer an issue. Sponge Blasting technology allows more organizations, every day, to keep their assets available with less disruption to the community at large. Sponge-Jet technology promotes sustainability without sacrificing the strict quality requirements for surface preparation needed in order to obtain proper and long lasting protection of infrastructure.

  • Bridges & Tunnels
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Locks & Dams
  • Stadiums
  • Institutions (Schools, Hospitals, Museums)

Building and infrastructure like these have all benefited from Sponge-Jet’s innovative, gentle and controlled technology.

Features & Benefits

  • Lessens Disruption to Community
  • Increases Structure & Asset Availability
  • Supports Public Environmental Initiatives
  • Lowers Project Costs
  • Increases Asset Life and Coating Performance
  • Extends Time Between Repairs