Protecting Workers From The Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials

Worker health and plant safety issues are dramatically improved when Sponge-Jet technology is used for surface preparation. Fugitive emissions (TSP and PM-10) can be reduced as much as 97% over traditional abrasive blasting, drastically reducing reportable environmental emissions. Sponge Media particles capture the contaminants removed from the surface – reducing worker exposure to hazardous airborne dust normally caused during abrasive blasting. Injuries caused by abrasive ricochet are eliminated. Sponge Media is also recycled which can reduce waste disposal up to 96%.

The industry term “low dust blasting” is commonly being replaced by “dustless blasting.” Review the US Environmental Protection Agency for complete test results on abrasive emission factors in file AP-42 and its independent companion update “Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 13.2.6


"We recommend Sponge-Jet as an environmental friendly abrasive blasting method which fulfills our health and environmental regulatory requirement.” - Mechanical Manager, TownGas

Related Resources

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