Superior Preparation — Increases Coating Life

According to the NACE International 75% of coating failures are the result of improper surface preparation. Sponge Blasting allows professionals to achieve optimum surface preparation, increase adhesion and extend coating life.

The dry, low dust, no ricochet characteristics of Sponge Media provides the freedom to specify a perfect white metal blast in all areas where:

  • Power tools are required
  • Electrical or rotating equipment is present
  • Adjacent surfaces can be damaged from ricochet
  • Visibility during blasting is desired


"Sponge Jet enabled us to acquire a blasting permit from the state of TX and locally, in an area we otherwise would have been unable to get one. By being able to blast on site we are able to better control our production and are seeing quicker turn around through the paint shop. The low dust and ability to recycle the media has made this a good solution for us." - Brian Henslee, TESMEC S.p.A

"[A] significant advantage is that other trades can work in the near vicinity of the sponge jet blasting operation without having any safety concerns." - Bruno Favretti, Managing Director, Favcote Pty. Ltd.

"With the Sponge-Jet technology we were able to continue operations while blasting was being done." - Carlos Eduardo Rincoski Faria, Maintenance Manager, MWV RIGESA

"Dust produced by the process is near zero. The spent media doesn't travel very far from the point of impact, so it can be easily cleaned up. The sponge media is re-useable, and we are successfully using it several times over." - Pete Judt, Department Head, Todd Pacific Shipyards

“No more back breaking labor loading the buckets with grit and loading into the blaster. My back has never been happier” - Don Holcomb, Boat Painter, US Coast Guard

“We can achieve a better job quality with this technology that profiles up to (100 microns) 4 mils and equivalents to any cleanliness level, commercial gray, near-white or white metal – achieving all required cleaning standards.” - Ecopetrol S.A.

Related Resources

  • Chloride Removal Paper

    PDF white paper compares dry abrasive blasting with pliant abrasive blasting, focusing on chloride r…

  • Dow Chemical In Process Cleaning

    In this PDF magazine article, a Dow Chemical manufacturing facility saved money and downtime by swit…

  • Paint Removal in Manufacturing Plant

    PDF describes case history of Sponge-Jet low dust coatings removal inside robotics plant containing …

  • Sponge-Based Technology Can Cut Cleaning Downtime

    PDF article describes abrasive-blast airborne dust problem encountered at manufacturing facilities.


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